Saya orang Kelantan. Jadi?

Does anyone here not from KL ?? I am. i'm a kelantanese. I have story for being a kelantanese, who's studying in KL. okay, here it goes and these are based on my experiences. 

situation 1:
bila saya bergaya sikit (sikit aje, tak banyak pun) Orang tanya, eyh, asal mana? saya jawab kelantan. orang  bertanya tadi jawab, wah, tak macam orang kelantan. Saya heran. Kalau orang kelantan, kena pakai macam mana? baju kurung? selipar jepun? tudung bawal? Jadi?

Situation 2:
Saya pelajar jurusan bahasa inggeris dan kesusateraan. bila saya dengan kawan saya atau dengan  mak saya cakap English, orang pandang. Sebab mereka tau saya orang Kelantan. Apa orang kelantan, semua bodoh tak tau speaking?? Silap-silap orang Kelantan speaking lagi terror dari orang bandar. Jadi?

Situation 3: (ini paling tak leh blah.)
orang tanya. sape nama? saya jawab Natasha. Eh, nama tak macam orang kelantan. nama anak saya Sakinah je. (and sape la suruh kau letak nama anak kau Sakinah) tapi, saya diam. ada orang kelantan nama lagi pelik dari saya. saya pun fikir.. orang kelantan kena taruk nama Aminah, Zabidah, Siti je ke?? Jadi?

Saya bangga saya orang Kelantan. Tapi saya marah, bila orang kata saya bukan macam orang Kelantan. Semua orang ingat orang Kelantan ni kampung, tak tau apa-apa. memang korang silap besar. datang negeri kami dulu. baru kamu tau. sekian. Mungkin entry ini melampau, tapi itu yang saya rasa. 

is desa water park still exist?

i had the most taik-est tiring day ever. seriously i did. siapa-siapa yang ikut serta adventure ni saje tahu (i.e khairah karim, dyrah norizan, atiqah jamsari, rozana razali, and farah zawani). the taik tiredness started since the morning till night. what a dayy and it all started from here. i'll save it first, tell u'all later.

btw, happy birthday too dyrah and rozana darlings

adoi mat, kau bagus ke??

Pernah tak rasa menyampah la pada orang membeza-bezakan orang. dengan orang ni, bukan main cakap lembut nak mati. si kawan ni buat macam mana pun, "ouh tak pe, I tau u tak sengaja...jadah haram, jadah haram.." dengan orang sebelah lagi pihak pulak, cakap macam nak telan. urggh, nak muntah saya. i mean, just treat people fair and square lah. treat people as how you want to be treated. faham tak. ouh, please. stay away from me. i don't need you. siapa terasa lantak lah. memang betul pun awak!

p/s: besok nak berfoya-foya dengan mereka-mereka. just wait for the pictures.

Hello, Ponen.

Meet the new guy in our room. He lights up our balcony. lol.  Khairah named it as Ponen. I named it as Ketty, before i knew it was a HE. haha. at least it looks like one. pity him, as i can't stop laughing as i looked at him. The figure of him is soo, wrong. ain't he? It is actually Fifi's. Her usrah's leader gave it to her that but can't she picked any better looking one. Really. He looks so wrong. yeah, at least to me. HAHA..

copied from Farah

Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real.. nothing made up! IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name : NATASHA

A four Letter Word : Numb
A boy's Name : Nazrul
A girl's Name : Nurin
An occupation : Nanny

A color : Norange (name me a color that starts from N)

Something you'll wear : Nike

A type of food : Nasi Kandar
Something found in the bathroom : Nose Strip

A place : New York

A reason for being late : Nasal got broken
Something you'd shout : "Nate nih, bengong teh!"

A movie title : New York minute

Something you drink : Nyor (kelapa, in kelantan dialect)

A musical group : Nickelback

An animal : Nightingale (I didn’t make it up, it’s a bird)

A type of car : Naza Citra
A type of fruit : Nutmeg
The title of a song : No more (Fynn’s)

Happy Birthday, Mom.

Happy Birthday to MAMA. Kaknik is soooo happy you’re my MAMA. And so, Kaknik want to say, Kaknik loves you, MAMA, and wish MAMA, a so very best birthday. Have a better birthday than Queen Birthday of Birthdayland! From your ever loving daughter, Kaknik.

P/s: Sorry, I can't be there to celebrate it with you, love. *sad*